When Should You Inspect Your Home For Storm Damage?

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Creating A Better Home When you rely on your home to provide you with comfort and shelter, you can't take any risks with its ability to keep water outdoors where it belongs. Great roofing is instrumental in the fight against the elements, because it helps to create the kind of environment you need to keep your home and family safe. Unfortunately, there are many homes that don't have strong, reliable roofs, which can cause problems in the long run. On this website, check out excellent ways to spot roofing problems and resolve them quickly. After all, your home is your most valuable asset, so protect it now.



Taking care of a house is enough work without worrying about nature's attempts to bring your happy home to its knees. Sadly, storms don't seem to have much sympathy for the plight of the homeowner, and that means taking it upon yourself to check for damage whenever the weather decides to do its worst. While this simple maintenance task is essential to catch and repair damage early, many homeowners either choose to put it off or are unsure of how to conduct a proper inspection. Fortunately, this isn't a hard item to check off of your to-do list. If you've been neglecting these inspections, here are three situations where a quick walkaround is essential.

Immediately After Any Wind Storm

Severe wind can threaten a roof in good condition, but even moderate wind is a threat to old or worn-out roofs. After a storm, walk through your yard to check for any signs of shingles that may have blown off. If you can do so safely, it is also a good idea to access your roof and check for loose tiles. Tiles can potentially be knocked loose by wind or by flying debris, and loose or cracked tiles may blow off entirely the next time it's gusty out. Even worse, these areas provide an opportunity for water to infiltrate your roof's outer layer and cause additional damage.

Following A Heavy Rain

Did you know that plain old rain can damage your roof? Although a light drizzle or even a serious downpour is unlikely to cause damage, sustained torrential rain might affect your roof even without accompanying winds. Damage of this type can be more difficult to spot without training and experience, but pay special attention to areas of your roof that seem to remain moist even if the rest of the roof has dried. If you can inspect the roof up close, look for shingles that appear to be loose or curling away from the roof.

In The Weeks After A Snow Storm

Not all storm damage is acute. The gravest threat from snow comes from its weight, so it's crucial to check your home immediately after a storm and clear snow if too much is present. Luckily, most people don't live in climates where sufficient snow can accumulate to threaten a roof collapse. However, snowstorms can still cause damage in other ways. As the roof snow begins to melt, be sure to check your roof for proper drainage every few days. Pay close attention to ice build-up along the edges of your roof. If you notice ice forming near your gutters or any sign that your gutters may have been damaged by expanding ice, immediately call a professional for an evaluation.

Although it's easy to forget about, your roof is perhaps the most critical part of your home. Regular inspections following inclement weather can help to ensure that you catch problems early — before you find yourself inundated with water-stained ceilings and buckets of water.

To learn more about solving exterior storm damage, contact a company like Select Exteriors.

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