If your roof is leaking, it can quickly become a serious problem. And if you don't fix the leak, it could worsen.
How to fix a leaky roof
First, ensure you're not fixing a leak from inside the house. If you can't find where your roof is leaking, there are a few things to check for. Look for signs of damage on the roof. If you see discolored shingles or tiles or if there are areas with missing pieces of tar paper or felt paper (the black material under shingles), then it may be time to get up there and clean off any dirt or debris that may be blocking the hole in your shingles or tile.
Step 1. Be sure the leak isn't coming from inside the house.
Before you start repairing the roof, it's important to ensure the leak isn't actually coming from inside the house. If it is, you can fix that first and then move on to repairing your roof. If your home has a leaky window or door frame and not just a hole in its roof, follow these steps:
Remove any water-logged furniture or clutter to get better access to the area with moisture damage on your walls or floors below them (i.e., under carpeting). Make sure nothing else gets wet as well.
Use a caulking gun with silicone caulk sealant made specifically for sealing around windows/doors so they won't leak again later on down there too. You'll need a couple of tubes depending on how many leaks there are in total across all rooms within a range from room A (where most moisture problems originate) through Z.
Step 2. Look for signs of damage on the roof.
After you've identified the area of the roof that's leaking, it's time to look for signs of damage. Look for missing shingles, cracked or missing tiles, and damaged flashing (the metal pieces that go around vents).
You may also see that gutters and downspouts have been damaged by water running off onto them from your house. This can happen when there are clogged gutters or downspouts, so be sure to clear these areas regularly so they don't clog up again in the future.
Step 3. Clean off any dirt or debris that may be blocking the hole
You should now be ready to clean off any dirt or debris blocking the hole. Make sure you wear protective gear, such as goggles and gloves. If you're using a ladder, ensure it is sturdy and won't slip while working on it.
Step 4. Use silicone caulk to seal the crack in your shingles or tile
If you have a shingle roof, use a putty knife to remove old caulk. Then cut the new caulk with a utility knife and apply it to the crack. If you have tile, use a rag to apply new caulk around all four sides of the cracked tiles or shingles.
Step 5. Apply new silicone caulk around the edges of your chimney flashing and replace the flashing if necessary
If your chimney flashing is metal and in good condition, you can simply clean it with a wire brush. If there are rust spots or holes, replace the entire flashing. Clean off old silicone caulk around the edges of your chimney flashing with mineral spirits or turpentine (or both) and let dry completely before applying the new silicone caulk. Replace any old or damaged flanges and shingles.
You should now know how to fix a leak on your roof. Of course, you can always call in a professional. For more information, contact a company like Brandon J Roofing.